There’s just something special about a winter in Branson, Missouri, otherwise known as The Live Music Show Capital of the World…especially the nearer to Christmas you get!  The 3 beautiful lakes (Table Rock, Tanycomo & Bull Shoals) are even more beautiful on a crisp, winter day; when the weather gets too cold to be outside, you can go inside and explore the different museums…including the World’s Largest Toy Museum…you can dine at the many fine dining establishments and visit our local Winery…the list goes on and on…and that’s just for standard winter activities!  As you get nearer to the Christmas season, there are so many special events taking place, you just might have to come back a few years in a row to view them all!


More than Just a Country Music Mecca

Featuring live shows of all sorts, from a cappella to variety shows, there’s always something fun and exciting going on at the different venues.  If you’re here through Christmas, why not check out our Christmas on the Trail Chuck wagon Dinner show?  Your Christmas meal will be served off an 1800’s chuck wagon as you sing along to all your favorite Christmas carols…ending with a trip through the trail of lights…a great time will be had by all!  New Year’s weekend Legends in Concert will be performing at Dick Clark’s American Bandstand Theater…for 2 hours straight you can listen to the music that moved you as a child…Whitney Houston, Liberace, The Blues Brothers…etc., etc., etc. Or, if you want to experience the ULTIMATE in Entertainment experience, you can’t pass over it at the Hughes Brothers Theatre.  What kind of name is “it” you ask?  It’s a tiny name for a gigantic show!  With over 50 performers you are going to be awe struck from the opening beats to the lingering echoes of the finally notes drifting away into the alcoves.  Check out to learn more about these shows…and all the others they have planned throughout the next year!


Christmas IS the Most Wonderful Time of the Year When You Visit Branson!

From 5 million light, light shows to The Adoration Scene, to the Shepherd of the Hills Trail of Lights, Branson, Missouri takes Christmas celebrations to new highs!  Silver Dollar City offers a Christmas spectacular with over 5 million lights, a Christmas light parade, 2 musical productions, 1000 Christmas trees, including the 5-Story Special Effects Christmas Tree…so much Christmas joy your hearts will grow a size or two!  The Adoration Scene brings us back to our childhoods…remembering the thrill of when this 28 foot-tall nativity stand was erected each year and the spectacular lighting ceremony that accompanied it.  Since 1949 (It had to be rebuilt in 2012) the first Sunday in December is the day our town lights the Nativity, followed by the Adoration Parade and for an hour or two, we all celebrate the true meaning of Christmas…it’s a celebration that shouldn’t be missed!